The Easiest Way To Start Your First Compost Pile

By Anthony K

Compost is a mixture of natural organic waste added to the soil to aid plants’ growth. Whether you’re a hobby gardener or grow your own food, composting should be an intrinsic component of your garden and lawn maintenance activities to save you money.

When composting, you can add things like kitchen vegetables and fruit peels, and scraps from greens. However, when adding kitchen scrap, be careful not to add dairy products, meat, charcoal, or even your pet’s feces.


Composts require a variety of nutrients, including nitrogen and oxygen. There are several ways to start your compost pile, whether you want to do it in a compost bin or at the back of your yard. These are some of the tips you should use:

Ensure the green and brown materials balance

Two-thirds of brown matter and one-third of green matter are excellent compost composition ratios. Because brown elements are high in carbon, they feed the organisms that break down the waste, while “green” materials provide nitrogen, which is needed to construct the cellular components of your new soil.


Keep it moist and turn it often

Keep your compost pile moist by adding wet scraps or using a hosepipe; the goal is to keep it moist and not soak it in water. Around once a week, it is good to turn your pile to allow air to get into the deepest layer. Turning also prevents the compost from rotting. Your compost pile will be ready for use in four to six weeks.