Making Solar Panels Mandatory On New Buildings In New EU Plan
Recent events have made the public aware that overdependence on fossil fuels may have detrimental effects on the economy. In the event of a shortage, people are out of luck; but there’s one resource that can’t ever be cut off: the sun! Solar energy is becoming increasingly available as nations embrace green energy. The EU made a recent proposal dubbed the “solar rooftop initiative,” requiring new residential and commercial buildings to have solar panels.

The EU has been actively involved in improving renewable energy production for use in transport, industries, power creation and generation, and building. Some calculations estimate that reducing fossil fuels may help the EU save about €100bn per year. The European Green Deal hopes to decrease the dependence on fossil fuels, and, by 2030, have over 40% of the EU’s energy sourced from renewable energy. To meet their goals of cutting off supply lines to certain products, the EU is making solar panels mandatory on all new buildings.
Solar energy may grow into the biggest source of electricity in the EU as more than half is generated from rooftops. EU member countries are reminded to maintain areas dedicated to renewable energy sources in regions with lesser environmental risks. The members can also reduce and reinforce national energy requirements and reduce VAT on new buildings’ heating systems, appliances, and insulation systems.

But we don’t need to wait for these initiatives to make a difference. Individuals and enterprises can reduce energy consumption by using air conditioners less often, using public transport, switching off lights, and using house appliances responsibly. There’s no one solution that is the answer to reducing our carbon footprint!