How To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint
Most states are passing laws limiting the use and production of plastic bags in order to make the environment cleaner and safer. But it’s not just governments that should be making the change; you also have the responsibility of reducing the plastic footprint. Begin the journey by following the simple tricks highlighted below.
1. Reuse
Going plastic-free is a process; it doesn’t happen overnight. If you find yourself stuck with something plastic, reuse it! For example, wash your takeout containers and use them around your home.
2. Repurpose
Repurposing your plastics can also help reduce your plastic footprint. As we said before, there are some plastics we can’t escape. Next time you finish a package of toilet paper, save the bag and use it as a garbage bag.

If you are interested in repurposing something but don’t know where to start, check out ideas on upcycling. With a bit of DIY, plastic bottles can turn into pencil cups, decorations, planters, you name it!
3. Recycle
It’s not a perfect system, but when done right, recycling is a great way to cut down on plastic. If your state or country has it, take advantage of bottle deposit and bag collection points at grocery stores.
4. Replace
What better way to reduce your plastic usage than by skipping it altogether. Replace those plastic bags with reusable cotton or hemp bags. When buying reusables, make sure to check what the material is. Woven polyethylene bags are actually plastic bags, albeit reusable.

Reducing the plastic footprint entails developing responsibility. You can exercise responsibility by carrying an extra bag to the store, having a paper bag in the car, setting up a collection program, and supporting legislation banning the production and use of plastics.