40+ DIY Bird Feeders That Our Feathered Friends Will Love
A garden somehow feels more complete if there are birds flitting about. One way to make sure this happens is to add a bird feeder to attract the local feathered flyers. But they’re not just good for gardens; bird feeders will liven up your balcony, or could even be used to teach kids about local fauna.
You don’t need fancy woodworking equipment to make a stunning bird feeder, either. With a little know-how and some basic supplies, you can have a DIY bird feeder in no time. Plus, it’s a kid-safe activity that’ll serve as a great starting point for teaching your little ones about caring for the environment. Just be careful when choosing your materials, as some are not safe for birds.
So, without further ado, here are some DIY bird feeders to help liven up your home.
1. Cute flower feeder
Creating a bird feeder is great for showing your support for local wildlife. By providing food and shelter for birds, you are helping them survive and thrive in their natural habitat. To keep the theme of nature, you can shape your bird feeder like a flower.

Thoroughly clean a tin can and file down the sharp edges. Then, cut strips to fold back into the petals while leaving some space to keep the seeds. Finally, paint the flower petals; the birds will be attracted to the bright colors and come to eat the seeds.
2. Plastic bottle feeder
There are so many ways to repurpose plastic bottles, and now you can add bird feeders to that list. For this, get an empty plastic bottle and bamboo/wood spoons. To start, cut holes in the bottle. Make sure that each hole has one slightly lower on the opposite side.

Then, slide your spoons in place and use hot glue to secure them—be careful not to melt the bottle in the process. When it’s cooled down, fill it up with birdseed. With the spoons angled downward, the seeds will gently slide out when the spoon is empty.
3. Hanging feeding bowl
Grab three plastic bowls—one for water, one for food, and one for shelter. Start by poking some holes in the bowls so that you can string them all together, tying a knot between each one to keep them from sliding down.

Including the water at the bottom will prevent getting the seeds wet and will weigh down the bird feeder. Use any type of seed that you like, but we recommend using a mix of different seeds to attract various birds.
4. Coconut shell bowls
Recycle those empty shells from your last tropical recipe to make something the local birds will love! To get started, simply clean out the inside of a coconut shell and drill a few holes in the top. Then fill it with birdseed and hang it up outside.

Just like the plastic bowls, you can make a tiered bird feeder that contains water and a cover to keep it all dry if it rains. Or, you can just stick with the seeds and hang several shells together using one long string—just be careful it doesn’t tip over.
5. Window feeder
This one is great for budding ornithologists. You’ll be able to see the birds up close as they come to get a snack. To attach a feeding box to the glass window using a vacuum hook, first make sure that the area around the window is clean.

Next, take the vacuum hook and place it over the top of the feeding box. Make sure that the bottom of the feeding box isn’t slanted. Once you have the vacuum hook in place, gently push down on the top of the feeding box until it is snug against the window.
6. Tin can feeder
Making a bird feeder is a great way to upcycle various materials. Moreover, there is more than one way to upcycle each item. Here’s another project using tin cans. First, poke a hole using a nail to fit a perch; you can use campfire marshmallow sticks for the dowels.

To hang the tin can, you can either use twine or wire. For the latter, use the hammer and nail method to poke two holes, each an inch apart. Thread some wire between the two holes and twist it tight.
7. Wine bottle bird feeder
Turn those old wine bottles into an aesthetically appealing bird feeder! This is an excellent project for upcycling, and it’s also relatively simple. Start by cleaning out your wine bottles. Rinse them thoroughly with soap and water, then let them dry completely.

Once they’re clean, carefully drill a small hole in the bottle’s bottom—this is where the seeds will come out. Get a dish to catch the seeds that fall out of the bottom, but make sure it’s slightly propped up; otherwise, the seeds won’t come out.
8. License plate feeder
With a bit of creativity, you can turn an ordinary license plate into a beautiful bird feeder that will provide your feathered visitors with a place to eat and drink. For this, you’ll need an old license plate, a drill, a 1/4-inch bit, a hammer, and a screwdriver.

You may also get some paint or other decorative materials. Use sturdy gardening gloves so as not to cut yourself when making this feeder. Twist the plate into shape to make a box. Then, add sides to keep the seeds from falling out.
9. Soda bottle and poultry feeder
If you like the wine bottle design, you can try it on a smaller scale with an old soda bottle. To make this fancy-looking bird feeder, you’ll need to buy a round poultry feeder. Make sure the bottle you want to use fits in the top of the feeder.

If you use a glass bottle, be careful when drilling a hole in the bottom of the bottle. Then, fill the feeder and let gravity take care of the rest. Attach it all together using twine or wire and find a nice tree to hang it on.
10. Small seed jar swing
Make your bird feeder a bit more dynamic by making a swinging feeder. This will work best with a lightweight jar. Once you’ve cleaned the jar, drill two holes at the top through which you can attach wire or twine.

Then, thread the wire through the hole and tie it off so that the jar is suspended from the wire. Make sure you securely hang the feeder and that it won’t get knocked over by a strong gust of wind.
11. Inverted wine bottle feeder
Use a wine bottle and some wooden planks to make this understated feeder. Piece together the wood to create a house shape, and make sure to add a base to catch the seeds. Add a bracket to the back wall so you can hold the bottle upside-down.

Keep your new bird feeder in a tree or on a shepherd’s hook, and wait for the birds to come and get a snack! Find a spot in your yard that’s away from trees and bushes so as not to encourage squirrels.
12. Carton box seed home
Find an empty carton that’s big enough to hold a few cups of birdseed. A milk or juice carton works well. Rinse out the carton and let it dry completely. Once the carton is dry, have your child decorate it however they like.

They can paint it, color it, or cover it with stickers. Once the carton is decorated, make two holes in the top of the carton through which you can hang the feeder. Fill it with birdseed and tie the string or ribbon around the top so it’s secure.
13. Burlap seed socks
This simple bird feeder will blend in nicely in your yard. For this DIY feeder, all you need is a burlap sock and some birdseed. Stitch the burlap in a sock shape and attach a twine at the top so that you can hang it.

Simply make a few small holes in the sock, fill it with birdseed, and tie off the top. Otherwise, you’ll spill the seeds and have a plethora of squirrels instead. If you’re using a thick burlap, it’ll have holes naturally so that birds can access the seeds with their beaks.
14. Simple egg tray assembly
Made from a simple egg tray and some seeds, this bird feeder is sure to bring the birds flocking to your backyard. You can use a tray cut into four equal sections, or a carton cut into two. If it’s too big, the carton will collapse.

Poke holes in the corner, but not too close to the edge. Thread a string through each hole. Tie the strings together at the top, leaving enough length to hang the bird feeder from a tree branch. Fill each section of the egg tray with seeds and you’re done!
15. Carved log seed mix
This one does require some carpentry skills and tools. To start, get a wooden log; it doesn’t need to be big. Carve a hole in the center of the log using a saw or knife. Hollow it out as much as possible and sand it down.

Place the log on a level surface and wait for the birds to come! You may also hang the log on a tree, especially if you’re worried about it rolling all over your deck and spilling the precious bird seeds.
16. Toilet roll tube snack
If you’re on the hunt for a quick and easy DIY bird feeder, this is the project for you! If you’re into DIY projects, you probably already have a stash of empty toilet paper rolls ready to be used. Smear peanut butter on the toilet paper rolls, then roll them on a plate of seed mix.

Once it’s coated, hang it up and watch the birds come flocking! You can use twine or metal wire to hang these feeders or simply slip them onto narrow branches. Collect a few empty toilet paper rolls and hang them throughout your yard.
17. Popsicle stick feeder
To make this popsicle stick bird feeder, simply take a few popsicles and glue them together to form a house shape. Then, poke a hole in the top and bottom of the house so that you can thread a string through and hang it up.

Once your feeder is all set up, just fill it with birdseed and wait for the feathered friends to come flocking! This is an excellent project for kids to help with, too, so get the whole family involved in making your own DIY bird feeder today.
18. Repurpose old clay pots
If you have some old clay pots lying around, put them to good use with this easy DIY bird feeder project. All you need to do is add some seeds, and you’ll have a cute and functional bird feeder in no time.

Once again, it’s a great way to repurpose old items instead of throwing them away. To get started, gather your materials. You’ll need some old clay pots, seeds, bird feed, and string or wire and assemble it. Use strong glue to hold everything in place.
19. PVC pipe seed swing
PVC pipes are the perfect material for this project as they are durable and easy to work with. To get started, you’ll need PVC pipe, a PVC pipe cutter, or a saw drill with 1/8″ drill bit wire mesh and birdseed.

Cut your PVC pipe into pieces. Thread a piece of wire into the holes in each pipe section, and twist to secure. If you’re using wire mesh, cut them to the appropriate size and insert them into the pipe now. Fill the pipes with birdseed.
20. Tire seed swing
It’s hard to find a way to upcycle old bike tires, but not impossible. Tires from bikes or kiddy cars are the perfect size for this DIY bird feeder. Just add the seeds to the inside of the tire and then hang it from a tree branch.

Once the seeds are in the tire, tie a string around the top and hang it from a tree branch. That’s it! sit on your own tire swing and watch the birds flock to theirs. Best of all, it’s easy to refill this feeder.
21. Swing with bird treats
To make a cute and aesthetically pleasing bird feeder, you can craft one in the shape of a porch swing. The one pictured below was made of popsicle sticks, but upcycled containers would work, too. So long as you can make the shape of a bench, the material doesn’t matter.

As with the popsicle stick birdhouse, glue the sticks together to form the desired shape—in this case, a swing. Make sure to include a “seat” where you can put the seeds, and the “arms” of the bench will hold it all in.
22. Hang a seed-filled paper plate
This bird feeder is easy to make, with the only materials being a paper plate, some string, and a wicker basket. The last item is optional, though. To make your own DIY bird feeder, simply fill a paper plate with birdseed.

Then, tie a length of string around the plate, and hang it from a tree branch or other sturdy surface. The birds will enjoy the extra surface area that the plate will offer so they can eat without fighting over the yummy pile of seeds.
23. Metal wire seed tower
To make your own metal wire bird feeder, you will need some metal chicken wire, wire cutters, needle nose pliers, and seeds. First, use the wire cutters to separate the length of the mesh to your desired size. If you want to add a perch to your feeder, use the needle nose pliers.

Shape the wire into a cylinder and use the pliers to twist the ends together. Ensure the cylinder is secure so that your seeds won’t spill out. Next, add your seeds to the cylinder. Once your cylinder is full, it’s time to hang it up!
24. Clay seed homes
To make these clay dome bird feeders, we recommend using oven-baked clay, not air-dry clay, as it’s sturdier. Start by shaping the clay into dome shapes, then bake it as per the package’s instructions. Once the clay is baked, paint it with your desired design.

Finally, add some birdseed to the top of the feeder! Making these clay seed homes is economical and will add so much beauty to your garden. Baked clay homes will last a long time, so you can enjoy them for years to come.
25. Orb feeder
Making a bird feeder from an old plastic fishbowl is a simple and fun project. All you need is an old fishbowl, birdseed, and an embroidery hoop. To get started, clean out your fishbowl and make sure there are no sharp edges.

Once your bowl is ready, secure the embroidery hoop around the center of the bowl. Use glue to keep it in place and to prevent slippage. Then, fill up the bowl, hang it up, and watch as the birds flock to your yard.
26. Ladle on a plank or ground
All you need is a ladle, some seeds, and a little bit of imagination. For this one, it’s best to secure it to a wall or other stable structure, rather than making a free-hanging feeder. A garden wall or fence is an ideal location for this feeder.

Place the ladle so that the bowl of the ladle is facing up. You can do this with two ladles to provide birds with both food and water. This is a great way to use old kitchenware if you need to upgrade to newer utensils.
27. Refrigerated suet balls in mesh bags
This simple bird feeder provides a great way to keep little birdies fed all winter. Make this bird feeder using a bag of suet balls (found at your local hardware or pet store), a mesh bag, and a piece of string or twine.

To put it together, simply tie the top of the mesh bag closed with the string or twine. Then, take one suet ball and place it inside the bag. Do this multiple times until the mesh bag is full. Finally, hang it up on a sturdy branch.
28. Attach shovels to tree trunks
This one is easier than it looks. Simply attach the shovel to the trunk of a tree, add some seeds, and voila! You’ve got yourself a homemade bird feeder. This project is great for kids and adults alike who like gardening and bird watching.

Plus, it’s a great way to recycle old shovels that you might otherwise throw away. You may add these shovels in a pattern to make the tree trunks look nice. Another idea is to install metallic plates into the trunks and then fill them with water and seed mixture.
29. Seeds in a lego house
What could be more kid-friendly than a Lego birdhouse? Kids (and adults) love building with these plastic pieces, and it’s always a matter of pride to build something that lasts. If you don’t have Legos, check second-hand shops for a set.

Start constructing a simple house design, with gaps big enough for the birdseed. This extraordinary project is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you see the birds flocking to your Lego house. As a bonus, it’ll last in all sorts of weather conditions.
30. Dry apples on the tree
This is a great DIY bird feeder idea that is perfect for fall. Cut up some apple slices and leave them out to dry. Once they’re dry, string them to a wire and hang them on trees. This will provide food for birds during the fall season.

You may also do this with figs and similar bird-friendly fruits. Alternate between apples and figs on the trees. The birds will appreciate the variety of food in your garden. Since the fruits are dry, this feeder will last a long time.
31. Suet feeder in cookie shapes
Who doesn’t love cookies? And what could be more fun than making a cookie-shaped bird feeder? This cut suet feeder is easy to make and will surely bring a smile to the birds as they chow down on their sweet treat.

To start, get a pound of suet, a cup of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of cornmeal, and cookie cutters. Mix the suet, peanut butter, and cornmeal in a bowl. Roll it flat, as you would with dough, and use your cookie cutters to get all sorts of fun shapes!
32. Wire acorn DIY
This acorn-shaped bird feeder is a great way to attract feathered visitors to your backyard, and it’s easy to make with just a few supplies. To get started, you’ll need some wire (we used 18-gauge), pliers, and a seed mix.

Once you have your materials, simply bend the wire into an acorn shape and fill it with the seed mix. Add a wooden enclosure on top to protect the seeds from any rainwater. A wooden bowl will really make ti look like an acorn. How fun!
33. Cereal loops in wires
If you don’t have birdseeds, you can use cereal loops in wires to make a DIY bird feeder. First, cut two pieces of wire that are about 18-20 inches long. Just thread the cereal loops onto the wire and shape it into a ball.

Leave a loop at the top of the wire so that you can use it to close the cereal loop and prevent them from falling apart. Hang the loops from light poles, trees, or by the window for birds to relish the cereal loops.
34. Bread for the hungry birds
For a simple DIY feeder, hang bread with peanut butter and seeds on both sides outside in the garden. Simply spread peanut butter on both sides of a thick slice of bread, and then coat it in seeds. The birds will relish every part of this feeder.

Make a hole in the top of each slice, thread a piece of string through it and tie the strings to branches on a tree. You may also add strips of suet alongside the bread to make a filling feeder.
35. Feeder garland
You may create a feast for birds by adding different treats to this feeder garland. Get a strong twine and a large needle to thread these treats and hang them in the garden. Since there are different types of feed options, you’ll see various birds coming up.

Combine the dried fruit and suet cookie feeders from before. You may also string some seed mixes from the twine. Make a bunch of these and hang them up throughout your garden. Feel free to mix and match fruit and seeds on each string.
36. Easy teapot hanging with seed mix
An old, unused teapot is great for a DIY bird feeder. The wide top and hollow center are already perfect for bird seeds and hungry birds. First, attach the teapot lid to one side and drill a hole through the center of the pot and the lid.

This is where you will thread the string or wire. Next, fill the teapot with birdseed. You can use any type of seed that birds like to eat. Once the teapot is full, tie the string or wire around the neck of the pot and secure it tightly.
37. Seeds in citrus peels
Citrus peels are great for repurposing trash and making your DIY bird feeders. When eating an orange, ensure it peels it cleanly to get a bowl shape. This will be the bowl to put the seeds in. You do not need any additional supplies to make these bird feeders.

All you need is some birdseed and a few citrus peels. Also, add twine on the sides to hang these citrus peel bowls from tree branches. Moreover, you may place these bird feeders on walls or on the ground to encourage birds to come and eat.
38. Seed inside carved apple
Here’s another way to turn apples into bird feeders. Start by cutting the apple in half with a knife. Then, use the cookie cutter to cut out a shape in the center of each apple half. Be sure to make the cutouts big enough so that birds get easy access.

Once you have your cutouts, it’s time to fill them with birdseed mix. Just pour the mix into each cutout, being careful not to overfill them. Birds will love having their feeder, and you’ll love knowing that you helped them!
39. Pine cone feeder
Depending on where you live, you might have a plethora of pine cones at your disposal. They can be used to make this simple feeder in a few minutes. Roll the pine cones in peanut butter and then on the seed mix.

You can refrigerate this to set the peanut butter and seed mix. Add a string or wire to hang the feeding cones outside in the garden. Grab a camera to snap a picture of the birds dining on the seeds.
40. Carved pumpkin bowl feeder
This is for when you have too many pumpkins when autumn ends and winter rolls around. To start, carefully carve a half-cut pumpkin using a knife. Ensure to make the opening big enough for birds to get in and out easily.

Next, fill the pumpkin with birdseed mix. Once your pumpkin is full, simply place it outside—either hanging or on a ledge—where birds frequent. They’ll soon discover the tasty treats waiting for them inside and will be sure to return for more!
41. Jute rope tin can feeder
To start, clean out your tin can and make sure there are no sharp edges. Using a hammer and nails, punch holes all around the circumference of the can. Then add thread the rope through the holes, tying knots in between each hole to secure it.

Once all the holes are filled, you can start adding decorations to your bird feeder. Get creative and have fun! This simple project is a great way to upcycle an old tin can and turn it into something beautiful and valuable.
42. Bundt cake pan seed wreath
This Bundt cake pan seed wreath is the perfect solution for your kitchenware! Made with a few simple supplies, this bird feeder is sure to attract various birds to your backyard. Plus, it makes a beautiful decoration for your home during the holiday season.

Make sure your Bundt cake pan is clean and dry before making the seed cake. Cut chicken wire to fit snugly inside the pan. Then, tie the string around the pan’s cake so you can hang it later. Fill the pan with seeds and roll the outside in peanut butter and then on the seeds.
43. Teacup and saucer arrangement
To make this arrangement, you will need an old teacup and saucer, a strong adhesive, and seeds. First, glue the teacup to the saucer from one side. Put a line of glue around the edge of the saucer, and then set the teacup on top.

Every time you use glue, hold it in place until the adhesive dries. Then, add seeds to the cup and find a good spot to hang it up. Use a mix of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, but you can use whatever type of seed your birds like best.
44. Plastic jug feeder
Making a bird feeder home from an upcycled milk carton is fun and easy. To start, cut the top off of the milk carton and punch a few small holes in the bottom. This will allow the water to drain out and the birdseed to stay dry.

To make it more visually appealing, you can decorate it with bright paints of various colors. Alternatively, stickers and ribbons will also add some flair. Just make sure the outside is nice and colorful so the birds will be attracted to it.
45. Mason jar feeding station
To make your bird feeder, clean the mason jars and remove the labels. Next, drill a small hole in the lid of each jar. This will be for the wire hanger that will hold your bird feeder. Once the holes are drilled, screw on the lids and turn the jars upside down.

Now it’s time to add the wire hangers. Cut two pieces of wire for each jar, long enough so that they can be wrapped around the neck of the jar and then twisted together to form a hanger. Thread the wire into the holes in the lids and twist it together at the top.
46. Apple and sunflower feeder
Go natural with this simple apple and sunflower feeder that requires little time and even fewer supplies. All you need is an apple, a couple of sunflower seeds, and a string. Plus, if you have kids at home, this would be a fun project for them too!

To get started, get an apple and remove the core. After that, assemble your sunflower seeds and press them on the fruit one by one in random places. As a final step, run your string through the middle of the apple then hang it, and you’re done!